Source code for

import re
import imaplib

from mailbox import Mailbox
from gmail_client.codecs.utf7 import encode as encode_utf7, decode as decode_utf7
from exceptions import *

[docs]class Gmail():
# GMail IMAP defaults GMAIL_IMAP_HOST = '' GMAIL_IMAP_PORT = 993 # GMail SMTP defaults # TODO: implement SMTP functions GMAIL_SMTP_HOST = "" GMAIL_SMTP_PORT = 587 def __init__(self): self.username = None self.password = None self.access_token = None self.imap = None self.smtp = None self.logged_in = False self.mailboxes = {} self.current_mailbox = None # self.connect() def connect(self, raise_errors=True): # try: # self.imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(self.GMAIL_IMAP_HOST, self.GMAIL_IMAP_PORT) # except socket.error: # if raise_errors: # raise Exception('Connection failure.') # self.imap = None self.imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(self.GMAIL_IMAP_HOST, self.GMAIL_IMAP_PORT) # self.smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.server,self.port) # self.smtp.set_debuglevel(self.debug) # self.smtp.ehlo() # self.smtp.starttls() # self.smtp.ehlo() return self.imap def fetch_mailboxes(self): response, mailbox_list = self.imap.list() if response == 'OK': for mailbox in mailbox_list: mailbox_name = mailbox.split('"/"')[-1].replace('"', '').strip() mailbox = Mailbox(self) mailbox.external_name = mailbox_name self.mailboxes[mailbox_name] = mailbox def use_mailbox(self, mailbox): if mailbox: self.current_mailbox = mailbox def mailbox(self, mailbox_name): if mailbox_name not in self.mailboxes: mailbox_name = encode_utf7(mailbox_name) mailbox = self.mailboxes.get(mailbox_name) if mailbox and not self.current_mailbox == mailbox_name: self.use_mailbox(mailbox_name) return mailbox def create_mailbox(self, mailbox_name): mailbox = self.mailboxes.get(mailbox_name) if not mailbox: self.imap.create(mailbox_name) mailbox = Mailbox(self, mailbox_name) self.mailboxes[mailbox_name] = mailbox return mailbox def delete_mailbox(self, mailbox_name): mailbox = self.mailboxes.get(mailbox_name) if mailbox: self.imap.delete(mailbox_name) del self.mailboxes[mailbox_name] def login(self, username, password): self.username = username self.password = password if not self.imap: self.connect() try: imap_login = self.imap.login(self.username, self.password) self.logged_in = (imap_login and imap_login[0] == 'OK') if self.logged_in: self.fetch_mailboxes() except imaplib.IMAP4.error: raise AuthenticationError # smtp_login(username, password) return self.logged_in def authenticate(self, username, access_token): self.username = username self.access_token = access_token if not self.imap: self.connect() try: auth_string = 'user=%s\1auth=Bearer %s\1\1' % (username, access_token) imap_auth = self.imap.authenticate('XOAUTH2', lambda x: auth_string) self.logged_in = (imap_auth and imap_auth[0] == 'OK') if self.logged_in: self.fetch_mailboxes() except imaplib.IMAP4.error: raise AuthenticationError return self.logged_in def logout(self): self.imap.logout() self.logged_in = False def label(self, label_name): return self.mailbox(label_name) def find(self, mailbox_name="[Gmail]/All Mail", **kwargs): box = self.mailbox(mailbox_name) return box.mail(**kwargs) def copy(self, uid, to_mailbox, from_mailbox=None): if from_mailbox: self.use_mailbox(from_mailbox) self.imap.uid('COPY', uid, to_mailbox) def fetch_multiple_messages(self, messages): fetch_str = ','.join(messages.keys()) response, results = self.imap.uid('FETCH', fetch_str, '(BODY.PEEK[] FLAGS X-GM-THRID X-GM-MSGID X-GM-LABELS)') for index in xrange(len(results) - 1): raw_message = results[index] if'UID (\d+)', raw_message[0]): uid ='UID (\d+)', raw_message[0]).groups(1)[0] messages[uid]._parse(raw_message) return messages def labels(self, require_unicode=False): keys = self.mailboxes.keys() if require_unicode: keys = [decode_utf7(key) for key in keys] return keys def inbox(self): return self.mailbox("INBOX") def spam(self): return self.mailbox("[Gmail]/Spam") def starred(self): return self.mailbox("[Gmail]/Starred") def all_mail(self): return self.mailbox("[Gmail]/All Mail") def sent_mail(self): return self.mailbox("[Gmail]/Sent Mail") def important(self): return self.mailbox("[Gmail]/Important") def mail_domain(self): return self.username.split('@')[-1]